I’ve been doing so much more than reading
books lately that I thought it would be a good opportunity to recommend some of
the fantastic things that have consumed my time.
I run a lot and used to listen to music,
but podcasts have taken over as my running soundtrack now. These are the
podcasts that I regularly follow:
Of course. If you haven’t heard about Serial by now, you’ve been in witness
protection. The Guardian has had an article about the hugely successful podcast
just about every day for three months, and the discussion boards on sites such
as reddit have kept suspense and excitement alive for much of the podcast's
duration. I tuned in live, on recommendation, at about the third episode mark
of the twelve weekly episodes and felt like a drug dealer hooking new people
onto it, recommending it casually in conversation to people I knew were
armchair detectives. They’d ring me a few days later with their theories, their
bewilderment at the lack of conclusive evidence in Adnan Syed’s trial, and
their despair that the podcast was only twelve episodes long. For mine, the
final episode was much more satisfying than I had expected it to be, and while
journalist Sarah Koenig had her detractors, I thought she and her team at This
American Life did a magnificent job of story-telling, if not investigative
All. Another one recommended by friends, this
new series has half hour episodes exploring pockets of the internet that are
odd, strange, fascinating. The team look at phenomenon such as the Instagram
style app where doctors from around the world upload gruesome injury or disease
pics and comment with a knowledgeable eye, or more often comically commentary
to raise a laugh among their colleagues; investigating life after the Internet
for one of the front runners in living life online, Jenny from Jennycam, who
now has no social media presence at all; and tracking people’s lives from the
financial records they expose when using an app that exchanges small finance
between flatmates, friends etc. My favourite so far was episode six where the
producers followed the story of a man who was incorrectly identified on Twitter
as the brother of a woman allegedly going out with one of the One Direction
singers: man, those One Direction fans are committed. A really interesting
10 Looks 3. A half hour podcast of ABC journalist
and writers, Annabel Crabb and Leigh Sales, as they discuss what they are
reading, what they are watching and what they are cooking. I find these two
presenters so warm, witty and intelligent, and it was a bonus that they
discussed many of the books and television that I consumed this year, so it was
really entertaining to hear their views. This podcast is a lot of fun in that
they go on tangents all the time such is the closeness of their friendship, the
breadth of their cultural knowledge, and the looseness of their presenting
style. Hope they continue on in 2015.
Pop Culture Happy Hour. I’ve been listening to
this American podcast for ages now so I’ve gained an appreciation for the in
jokes from the presenters, all of whom have a great rapport. These three
permanent presenters and their fourth rotating guest each week all work for
various sectors of NPR and specialise in music, film, television, books, and
comics: their collective knowledge of popular culture is amazingly
comprehensive, and the presenters are mostly in their 30s and 40s so they
reference decades of work, such as they did a few weeks ago by evaluating
Denzal Washington’s entire career, or analyzing the development of Disney
female characters across the decades. The presenters are also really funny and their
enthusiasm for the themed subjects each week is infectious. Once you can get past
the Americanisms and accents you’ll be hooked, and then you’ll always know what
the next hot tv show from America is so you can wait impatiently for Netflix to
Your Darlings Podcast. I listen to a few
writing podcasts, notably the Australian Writing Centre’s So You Want To Be A Writer, which is fantastic. I enjoy the
literary journal Kill Your Darling podcast as well, for its hour long eclectic
mix of interviews, readings and reviews. The focus is a mix of local content
and international writers; the interviewers have a gentle manner and really
zone in on the craft as opposed to analysis of marketing and creating a
platform. I recommend this one to writers and readers alike.
Acclaimed Danish political drama Borgen is a whole other ball game, and
I’m almost through mainlining Season One. This 2013 show had been on my radar
and when I decided at Christmas time to get back into series watching, I
thought of this straight away. I loved The
West Wing, and while this doesn’t have the five hundred words a minute
Sorkin style, it’s still an utterly compelling, intelligent and insightful drama.
I would expect nothing but sophistication from the Danes anyway. I think
Borgen’s success is its perfect balance of plot, with the right amount of time
given to the workplace drama, and the domestic drama of the characters. The lead
character of Birgitte Nyborg, the Danish PM, is a dream role for a woman, so
nuanced and interesting. I’m completely gripped.
No films lately, I’m honestly the worst
with seeing films. I can’t be bothered sitting through the standard three hour
film these days: I must have the attention span of a gnat. Either that or the film
industry is churning out such rubbish that I never feel compelled to drag
myself to a cinema to partake in any of it. I did go see the Keira Knightley
and Mark Ruffalo film Begin Again a
few months ago: this romantic drama examines the indie music industry, and was
made by Once director Jim Carney. I
thought it was a completely charming film, with fantastic music and a realistic
romantic plotline. Ruffalo’s performances are all in the facial expressions: he
always inhabits a character. And I always enjoy Knightley’s work. I’ve noticed
on a few ‘2014 lists’ that this film was mentioned a few times as an underrated
piece. I’d agree.
There is something I might feel compelled
to shell out popcorn bucks for this month: The
Imitation Game. Of course, I adore
Sherlock’s Benedict Cumberbatch but more seriously, I think the true story
behind this bio pic looks fascinating.
One of my micro-fiction pieces was read in
December at a performance night held by Spineless
Wonders, publishers of Flashing The
Square, in which my piece Addicted
was published mid-year. The night is to be a regular gig, called Little Fictions at Knox Street Bar in Chippendale, Sydney. It was a
fabulous night - funny, riveting and a convivial atmosphere. The bar is tiny,
so dozens of people squeezed into the little antechamber of the converted
terrace house, and while patrons drank beer and ate the lovely food from the
kitchen, actors and writers read their own work or works of selected writers.
Particular stand outs for me were Dael
Allison’s poem On The Wrong Side and Jon
Steiner’s satiric Poioumenon.
And of course it was thrilling to have actress Eleni Schumacher read my piece.
For a couple of bucks to enter (with which you receive a ticket for the fabulous
wheel of fortune game at interval) you can’t get better cultural value for a
Monday night in Sydney.
Next time I’ll look at all the great
literary journals I’ve been reading. Until then, back to Borgen…
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